Sunday, January 22, 2012


jan 20
  • Newt Gingrich 's two daughters ( from his first marriage ) are defending their father from charges that he asked his second wife for an open marriage. Daily Beast Cheat Sheet
  • On ' Morning Joe, ' Stephen Colbert brought a fresh perspective to the coverage: The speaker was a gentleman for at least asking for an open marriage. Daily Beast Most Recent
  • ? s debate: Gingrich deflects the question about his baggage ( his failed 2nd marriage ) â ? ¦ Romney raises even more questions about his baggage ( those tax returns ) â ? ¦ And Santorum has a very strong performance. MSNBC Top Headlines
  • While stories continue to swirl that the Kardashian brand is having its troubles, that likely has had more to do with Kim’s short-lived marriage to Kris Humphries and a growing level of distrust of the family from fans, not a 45 second Old Navy commercial, experts say. Fox News Entertainment
  • Gingrich, meanwhile, faced stunning new allegations from an ex-wife that he had sought an open marriage before their divorce. AP Top Headlines
  • Cain applauded Gingrich for his defensive response when asked about allegations made by Marianne Gingrich, who said the former House Speaker asked her to have an " open marriage. Huffington Post Full Feed
  • The fallout from last night 's CNN debate continues this morning, with the broadcaster under fire for handing Newt Gingrich an open goal by beginning the debate not with an issue of policy substance, but the issue of his former wife 's claims about their marriage. Guardian World
  • " Now I stay here for baptisms, marriages and I take part in the village 's social life, " said Lawali, " and I get to stay with my wife. Guardian World
  • That factor may come into play as Newt Gingrich - who lost New Hampshire and Iowa pretty decisively - faces questions over his previous marriage. Guardian World
  • And surprise, surprise, many of the malign effects detectable in the celibate Catholic priesthood are equally detectable in this clergy group, plus often an equally malign problem: many gay clergy have conformed to peer pressure and entered a heterosexual marriage, thus endangering the happiness of not just one but at least two people and living out all sorts of lies alongside a ministry which is supposed to be characterised by truthfulness and integrity. Guardian World
  • ( CNN ) -- The approach of Valentine 's Day may have you entertaining thoughts of love, perhaps even marriage. CNN Entertainment
  • But perhaps the oddest reason for Gingrich 's rise is a bit of jujitsu he employed on a story that should have hurt his campaign: At least part of the reason Newt Gingrich is more likely to win South Carolina today than he was on Wednesday is that he lashed out at the media for asking him about allegations that he sought am open marriage from his then-wife to continue a long-running extramarital affair. Washington Post Business