Sunday, August 24, 2008

How I spent my Saturday afternoon

IMG_5336.JPG, originally uploaded by Jrome.

this was my fourth d2r2. funtimes....

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

Content on the Web...all over the Web is better than one spot

knol becomes another youtube? Maybe.
clipped from

Mr. Rosenblatt, who was the chief executive of Intermix Media, the parent of MySpace when it was sold to the News Corporation, said that if Knol became a popular Web destination, he would consider posting content from Demand Media’s sites on it. The company, like many others in the media business, posts many of its videos on YouTube.

“We have an enormous amount of traffic on YouTube,” Mr. Rosenblatt said. “It hasn’t cannibalized ExpertVillage.”

 blog it

Friday, August 01, 2008

Rainbow Twizzlers

Rainbow Twizzlers, originally uploaded by compscigrad.