Sunday, September 21, 2008

No Bad Days

Woke up Saturday with no plan. Went to coffee to do some journaling. Saw a bunch of the neighborhood goofballs.

The sky and weather were so cool and interesting that I decided to go for a long ride. I've been thinking about doing Eureka Canyon forever, so I packed up and headed out. It was gorgeous as I remembered. There was a short scare when I misinterpreted my bike map and thought I had an additional 9 miles to climb after already climing 9 miles, but I was confused. Best day ever when I came to the intersection at Highland and realized I was done. Cruised down Old San Jose, super fun, and then 43 miles and 3,000ft of climing later I was home.

Checked my messages and VickiChicki and Hotdog were rallying for lunch. So I grabbed a shower and headed out on the cruisers to get down to the Harbor for lunch.

Our ride home:

And then Vicki and Hotdog came in to watch Flight of Conchords until Nicole came over to finish the job. :)

Packed a lot in my Saturday.